What a burst of romance to cheer us all up in last Saturday’s Guardian! Blind Date candidates were quoting poetry and eager to meet up again, Tim Dowling finally declared that he loves his wife after 30 years, and the Guardian Angel organised a “slap-up dinner” that was the scene of a proposal. Could you arrange for all six of them to meet up? I’m sure they’d have a wonderful evening.
Barbara Foster
Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
Your article (27 September) refers to a £27m house in Belgravia, London, that “has always been home to the very rich, including naval commanders”. While naval commanders aren’t on the breadline, the rank is not well paid enough to afford Belgravia. Most naval officers – I am one of them – are from modest backgrounds these days.
Name and address supplied
“Wire [Liz] Truss up to an ECG and you’d find no activity,” said John Crace (29 September) to emphasise her lack of intelligent thought. I believe he meant an EEG, although the heartlessness evident in the events of the past week would probably make either meaning accurate.
Magnus Mbanu
As energy prices rise, the strap-leaf anthurium (Houseplant of the week, 23 September), with its preference for temperatures of 21C to 32C, seems set to remain “a rare plant” for quite some time to come.
Marion Worth
Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.
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